Here is the link for the weekly COVID Update for LCUSD #9

Good Morning Lebanon!
Today is Friday, November 20th, 2020
6 more days until Thanksgiving
Fun fact:
Americans eat an estimated 50 million pumpkin pies on Thanksgiving.
Seniors and Sophomores - JOSTENS will have a second order day in the commons on Monday, November 30th from 7:30 - 8:30a.m. You can also go to our website for the links to order online.
SCHOOL PICTURES ARE IN!! They are available in the office for remote students who ordered pictures at the time they were taken. There is also a link on the school website to order online.
ATTENTION STUDENTS AND STAFF: Next week, to kick off Thanksgiving, wear your football attire for your favorite team Monday and Tuesday!
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! The week of Thanksgiving-November 23rd will be an attendance day for ‘A’ students. November 24th will be an attendance day for ‘B’ students. Students who began 4 day attendance on Nov 9 or Nov 23 will attend school both of these days.
FFA just had their officers elections. Congrats to the new officers!
President-Lorena Kraemer
Vice President- Andrew Schulte
Secretary- Skylar Mathis
Treasure- Kyle Hohrein
Reporter- Destiny Zeeb
Historian- Kurt Zeeb
Sentail- Blake Goetter
Wednesday thru Friday, Nov. 25-27 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Joke of the day:
Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk?
To hatchet!
Thanks and have a great day greyhounds!

Due to the recent state wide and local area Covid events, we will be holding at our current student phase-in-plan. We will be adding a few more at-risk/failing students on Monday. We feel that it is not feasible to add the full amount of students scheduled on November 23 as planned. We will also not bring back all students scheduled to return on December 7th. We will maintain the current A/B 50% model, with the possibility of reducing student numbers and/or going full remote if needed. We will be monitoring our local Covid numbers and evaluate if we need to change plans at any time. Please remain flexible as we try to balance student needs and local Covid events. More information will be available online soon or feel free to contact your building principal. We hope to return to our original plans very soon.

Attention Lebanon Athletes: All IHSA sports and activities were temporarily paused today based on the newest state mitigations.
“All IHSA sports and activities will cease by November 20 for what we hope is a short-term pause,” said IHSA Executive Director Craig Anderson. “Given the rising COVID-19 cases in our state and region, we support the Governor’s mitigations and believe it is imperative for everyone in the state to do their part in following them so that we can return to high school sports participation as soon as possible.”

Congrats to our extremely deserving LES Employees of the Month of November! Thanks for all you do. Keep up the great work!
Wendy Quayle, Becky Adams Barnouski, Jackie Hamm, and Megan Casperson

Attention Seniors! Tomorrow, Nov. 20th, is the last day to submit your baby pictures and Senior quotes. Here is the link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GyHNgk7KnFmH7cgeOoyBscU_R0H7E_uEXUKj4NPyJ54/edit

Good Morning Lebanon!
Today is Thursday, November 19th, 2020
7 more days until Thanksgiving
Fun fact:
• Wild turkeys can run 20 miles per hour when they are scared, but domesticated turkeys that are bred are heavier and can't run quite that fast.
SCHOOL PICTURES ARE IN!! They are available in the office for remote students who ordered pictures at the time they were taken.
ATTENTION STUDENTS AND STAFF: Next week, to kick off Thanksgiving, wear your football attire for your favorite team Monday and Tuesday!
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! The week of Thanksgiving-November 23rd will be an attendance day for ‘A’ students. November 24th will be an attendance day for ‘B’ students. Students who began 4 day attendance on Nov 9 or Nov 23 will attend school both of these days.
High School Bowling Practice Bus time 3p.m. behind the Commons
High School Basketball PRACTICES begin THIS WEEK
Girls: Mon, Wed, Fri 3:45-5:15
Boys: Mon, Tues, Thurs 6:00-7:30
Wednesday thru Friday, Nov. 25-27 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Joke of the day:
Who helps the little pumpkins cross the road safely?
The crossing gourd.
Thanks and have a great day greyhounds!

Link for school board meeting https://meet.google.com/euf-rkzv-die”

This is from Voegele’s Photography
Dear Valued Customer,
We have updated our studio website and online ordering may look a little different this year. We are really excited about this change and what it can offer our customers! Please see instructions below on how to navigate the new website.
How to order school pictures online:
Go to our website http://www.voegelestudio.com and click on “Order School Portraits.” This takes you to our merchant site which is also available here: https://voegele.fotomerchanthv.com/search/
Enter your child’s student ID number under “Find Your Event” and click “Search.”
Choose which photo you’d like to order by clicking “View Photos.”
Choose which package you’d like to order by clicking “Select” then choose the quantity and “Add to Cart.”
(Have another student to order for? Click “Add a Student” to combine multiple students and save on shipping!)
Ready to check out? Click “View Cart” then “Check Out.” Enter your shipping and payment information then click “Complete Order.”
You will receive an email confirmation of your order. Please contact the studio at (618) 654-7291 with any questions.
Thank you!

Just a reminder, Free weekly meal pick up for all students today until 11:00 at LES and LHS. Also Summerfield meal pick up at Fireman’s Hall. Hope to see you at Free meal pick up!

Lebanon Elementary
Friends and families of Lebanon Elementary,
Have you heard-the world famous Harlem Wizards are joining the students of Lebanon Elementary on 11/30/2020 to help us raise funds with their new WizFit Challenge virtual fundraiser and kids experience! Over 2 weeks students will watch and participate in an exclusive series of 6 interactive video episodes led by Harlem Wizard stars Swoop and Broadway, plus a special grand finale video to practice what they've learned. They will get fit, learn tricks, have fun, and be coached on character by the Wizards.
We are about 2 weeks away from kicking off on 11/30/2020, with the Grand Finale virtual party on 12/14/2020. Our goal is to raise $10000 for the school. We're excited to see our school come together (whether they are Face to Face or virtual) in this fundraising program! More details to come soon!
Thank you for your continued support,
Lebanon Elementary

Sophomores and Seniors! Jostens will be in the LHS Commons at 7:30 AM on Thursday for class ring and graduation orders.

LES Families!
Just a reminder that shopping at Santa's Kottage has started this week! Please log on and check out the options at www.santaskottage.com! This just in! Our shopping days have been extended through Friday, November 27th! So we now have more time to browse for that special gift. Happy shopping, Greyhounds!

Chemistry students exploring the doppler shift!

Ms. Kashycke finishes perspective cityscapes with Ms. Hamm’s 4th grade class.

Sophomores and Parents, please watch this quick video regarding information on how to design & order your custom class ring!!

Seniors and Parents, please watch this quick video regarding information on ordering your Grey Hound Pack & other 2021 Graduation Products!

Good Morning Lebanon!
Today is Monday, November 16th, 2020
10 more days until Thanksgiving
Fun fact:
Only male turkeys — appropriately named gobblers — actually make the gobble sound. Female turkeys cackle instead
SCHOOL PICTURES ARE IN!! They are available in the office for remote students who ordered pictures at the time they were taken.
Congrats to our November Students of the Month
Sr. Marquis Pritchett
Jr. Jackson Cruthis
So. Coleman Cummins
Fr. Brooke Goetter
8th grade Jarimiah Proctor
7th grade Braden Caroll
6th grade Sophi Joshu
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! The week of Thanksgiving-November 23rd will be an attendance day for ‘A’ Blended Learning students. November 24th will be an attendance day for ‘B’ Blended Learning students. Students who began 4 day attendance on Nov 9 or Nov 23 will attend school both of these days.
Attention Drivers: Please remember to bring in a copy of your driver’s license and insurance card to the office to be able to park in the student parking lot. Notices will
Junior High basketball seasons are indefinitely postponed to fall in line with the IDPH. With the season being postponed, open gyms and practices for junior high basketball are also postponed, and we’ll continue to revisit in the upcoming weeks as we get more information.
High School Basketball PRACTICES begin THIS WEEK
Girls: Mon, Wed, Fri 3:45-5:15
Boys: Mon, Tues, Thurs 6:00-7:30
*All athletes must have current physicals on file to participate*
Attention High School Bowlers:
Your Season starts with practice TODAY. Bus time is 3p.m. Remember to wear your mask and bring a water bottle!! Season calendar and Sports forms are in the office to fill out if you haven’t already. You must have a current sports physical on file to participate.
Monday thru Thursday, Nov. 16 - 19 - Bowling Practice - Bus time 3:00p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 18 - Midterms sent home
Wednesday thru Friday, Nov. 25-27 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Joke of the day:
• "Why did the cranberries turn red?"
• "Because they saw the turkey dressing."
Thanks and have a great day greyhounds!

LES Families,
Information about Santa's Kottage has been posted to our district platforms. This year shopping will take place online only. The dates for our students and families to shop are Monday, November 16th through Sunday, November 22nd. The items will be delivered on Friday, December 11th. Happy shopping!

The District 9 Phase 3 plan is posted to all district platforms. Want to highlight a point on there about the week of Thanksgiving. That Monday (11/23) will be an "A" students only day. That Tuesday (11/24) will be a "B" students only day. Then there will be no school in session for the remainder of the week (11/25-27).