Dr. Matt Noyes has been hired as the Superintendent at Lebanon CUSD #9. Dr. Noyes comes to us as a long term middle school principal at Triad Middle School. We look forward to having a great year with Dr. Noyes leading our Greyhounds!

Lebanon CUSD #9
2024-2025 Online Registration
Welcome Greyhounds to our Online Registration!
Disclaimer: Registration can be filled out or completed through a computer, laptop or phone . Both offices will have chromebooks set up for those that don't have computer access. Hours during registration are Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All offices are closed on Fridays. Please take the time to read this ENTIRE page as there is new information for this year regarding BREAKFAST/LUNCH info, VISITOR/VOLUNTEER info, different bell schedule times for LES, new Admin to meet, and info regarding our SY 24-25 calendar! Let's have a great year GREYHOUNDS!
Registration Process:
Online registration will run July 8 thru July 19, 2024. Please follow the directions on this page for filling out forms and for gathering information for the new school year! We ask that all families pay their school fees at this time as well. Invoices will be sent out to each student and payments can be made on My School Bucks or to the offices with cash or check.
Bus Information:
Please fill out the Enrollment Form for Transportation. It is to be filled out if your student will be riding the pay bus or the regular route bus. The pay bus is a first come/first served route. If you are expecting your child to ride it this school year please fill this form out ASAP!
The regular bus route consists of students who live 1 1/2 miles from the school or more which is free and the pay bus route transports students who live within 1 1/2 miles of the school and do not qualify for free transportation.
The cost is $25.00 per month per child not to exceed $50 per family for the pay bus. Questions may be directed to Lebanon Elementary School at 537-4553, Teresa Rogers. Please fill out the transportation enrollment form in your student's PowerSchool portal under Forms - and then Enrollment tab.

Dr. Matt Noyes


2024 - 2025
Breakfast Drop Off: Begins at 7:45
Car Rider Drop Off: Begins at 7:55
Tardy Bell: 8:05 AM (after this time an adult must sign student in at LES Office)
AM PreK: 8:00-10:40
PM PreK: 11:30-2:10
Wed AM PreK: 8:00-9:50
Wed PM PreK: 11:30-1:20
Lunch Periods:
K 11:00-11:20
1st 11:10-11:30
2nd 11:20-11:40
3rd 11:30-11:50
4th 11:40-12:00
5th 11:50-12:10
Dismissal: 2:50 PM
Wednesday Dismissal: 1:35 PM
Any student arriving after 8:05 or leaving before 2:50 must be signed in/out of the LES Office.
Regular Day Bell Schedule
1st hour 7:45 a.m. - 8:29 a.m.
2nd hour 8:32 a.m. - 9:16 a.m.
3rd hour 9:19 a.m. - 10:03 a.m.
4th hour 10:06 a.m. - 10:50a.m.
JrH Lunch 10:50 a.m.-11:10 a.m.
HS Lunch 11:10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
5th hour 11:33 a.m. -12:17 p.m.
6th hour 12:30 p.m. -1:04 p.m.
7th hour 1:07 p.m. - 1:51 p.m.
8th hour 1:54 p.m. - 2:38 p.m.
Wednesday 1:15 Dismissal
1st hour 7:45 a.m. -8:18 a.m.
2nd hour 8:21 a.m. - 8:55 a.m.
3rd hour 8:58 a.m. - 9:31 a.m.
4th hour 9:34 a.m. - 10:07 a.m.
5th hour 10:10 a.m - 10:43a.m.
6th hour 10:46 a.m - 11:19 a.m.
JrH Lunch 11:19 a.m.- 11:39 a.m.
HS Lunch 11:30 a.m.- 11:59a.m.
7th hour 12:02 p.m. - 12:35p.m.
8th hour 12:38 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Welcome Back to LES!!
I am so excited to begin a new school year at Lebanon Elementary School. We have a fantastic group of teachers and support staff and I know we will have a successful year!
Our staff has been hard at work to ensure that we teach the expectations for all students early and often. We will be kicking off the year with a Behavior Boot Camp where students will rotate through stations to learn rules and expected behaviors for all areas of the school. Our focus is to recognize and reward the positive behaviors that our students display at school.
This year’s theme will be based on the book The Good Egg. Each month we will have a character word of the month that teachers and staff will focus on. These words are the focus word for choosing a Student of the Month. Each word will be sent out to families so that parents can work on having students show these character traits in all environments, not just at school!
While I know that we still have some time left of our summer to enjoy, I am excited to invite families to our LES Open House on Monday, August 12, 2024 at 5:00-6:30 PM. I hope to seeyou all then!
Mrs. Seely, Principal

Welcome back Lebanon Junior/Senior High school. We are about halfway through our summer and I am hopeful everyone has had a restful summer filled with family and friends. As we embark on a new school year, we have so many exciting adventures to look forward to this year.
We will be focusing on building relationships, understanding procedures and team work in our first few days back to school. We continue our tradition and theme this year #BeAGoodHuman. We continue to collaborate with families to focus on the whole student.
We have moved up Homecoming to September 27th and 28th. We will continue with all of the same festivities, but are hopeful to have nicer weather for our students and the community. More information will be coming soon.
We also have new learning opportunities in the Junior High and High School. In the Junior High, we have added Project Lead the Way as a mini course for all 6th graders and in the High School we have English, Technology and Agriculture opportunities for dual credit.
Junior High and High School open house will be held on August 13, 2024 from 5:00-6:30 pm. There will be information posted on our website as we are adding picture day to this schedule. This will allow for less instructional time to be missed throughout the school year.
I am so excited to have students and staff back in the building and our hallways to be bustling again. Our maintenance and custodial staff have been working hard to have our building in tip top shape. Soak up every remaining summer day and I can’t wait to see you all soon.
Mrs. Emrick, Principal
New and Returning Students:
Registration Documents and Information: